Lang Courses Policy

This is the Lang Courses Policy, accessible from Global

What Are Cookies

Like most professional platforms, our language courses at Global Fluency use cookies - small files downloaded to your device - to enhance your user experience. This note provides insight into the kind of information these cookies collect and the ways we utilize it. Occasionally, storing these cookies is necessary, and we'll guide you on how to restrict their usage. However, understand that this might affect certain functional aspects of our courses.

How We Use Cookies

We utilize language courses at Global Fluency for several purposes outlined below. Regrettably, there are no standard alternatives for skipping these courses without completely inhibiting the competencies they instill. If unsure about needing them, it's advisable to partake in all courses, as they could enhance a service you frequently use.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Cookies Policy Generator.

The Cookies We Set

  • Lang Courses Cookies

    By creating an account for our Global Fluency language courses, cookies will manage your signup and overall access. Upon logging out, most cookies are deleted; some may remain to recall your preferences when logged out.

  • "Global Fluency language courses"

    Our portal provides language course subscriptions at Global Fluency. Cookies are utilized to recall your registration status, as well as to display relevant alerts to subscribers/non-subscribers.

  • Language Course Bytes

    Occasionally, we offer quizzes and assessments in our Global Fluency language courses. These assist in gaining fascinating knowledge, useful strategies, and allow us to better comprehend our student demographics. They may utilize cookies to recall who has previously participated or to deliver accurate feedback as you switch lessons.

Third Party Cookies

For certain instances, we use cookies from trusted sources for our language courses. The upcoming section explains which cookies you might see on Global Fluency.

  • Third-party data collection supports our ongoing development of the Global Fluency language courses. They monitor aspects like your course progress and time spent studying. This information is valuable for enhancing our educational content to better suit your learning journey.

  • Using our Global Fluency platform, cookies streamline your language course selection with relevant options & limit repeating suggestions.

    See Global Fluency's language courses FAQ for more details.

More Information

Ideally, this makes things clearer. As stated before, if you're uncertain about the need for my language courses in Global Fluency, it's safe to proceed with them as they might benefit your language proficiency improvement.

For more general information on cookies, please read the Cookies Policy article.

For more details on our Global Fluency language courses, please reach us through our preferred contact methods.

  • LangCo:
  • Study here: Global Fluency
  • G.F.: